
March 26, 2024

Multicom Systems pricing statement

We are aware that all manufacturers of alarm communication have announced an increase in their polling plans anywhere from 17% to 23%. This has led to a number of inquiries from both installations companies and monitoring stations alike voicing their concern. Some of these inquiries have stated that they have been told that we at Multicom Systems are also increasing our polling rates. This could not be further from the truth.

We have not, nor do we have any intention in increasing our polling rates

As stated in our standard terms and conditions the only time polling rates will change is if the telco carriers increase their rates and this has not occurred. In fact we have only seen better rates coming from the carriers.

We see our customers more as partners and invest in both their and our futures. An example of this is we continue to heavily subsidise our alarm communication hardware devices.

If you are concerned or have any questions about our pricing, please feel free to reach out to our client support team on 1300 603 704. We are always more than happy to help.

Lesley Mears

General Manager
Multicom Systems